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Showing posts from November, 2019

The Hero's Journey

     This is an Action Project for my core class, Stories. In this unit, I studied the Hero's Journey and how it can be related to real life. We have also been learning about the creator of the Hero's Journey, Joseph Campbell. He was an American Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College. In the Hero’s Journey, there are many stages that the “Hero” goes through. The first is The Ordinary World which is the beginning of the story or the normal life of the hero. The second is The Call which is how the hero starts his journey. The third is The Meeting of the Mentor which is where the hero meets his aid or guide. The fourth is The Unknown World which is when the hero leaves his ordinary world behind to face the danger. The fifth is Trials which is when the hero faces dangers that lead him to his destination. The sixth is The Abyss which is when the hero reaches the lowest point in their journey. The seventh is The Rebirth which is when the hero pushes past his/her Abyss. Th

The Changing of Dogs.

This is an action project for mt core class POPULATION. In this project, we have been learning the difference between mutation, natural selection, variation, and evolution. A mutation is the changing of the organism on a more cellular level. Natural selection is like the survival of the fittest where the organism with the most favorable traits will be the ones to most likely survive. Variation is the change in certain genes making the organism different from the others. Evolution is the change of something for the benefit of the organism. We have been trying to incorporate this into the real world and how it can affect the animals we know today. Below is a poster showing my project and how dogs will change in the future. We have also been learning about the mean, median, and mode along with the first quartile, third quartile, and the IQR. In the poster below, I have the weight and height of each of my dogs. In conclusion, I think that the dogs that I chose will eventually learn to