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Showing posts from February, 2022

"Dangerous" Neighborhoods

This is an Action Project for my core class, Equality. In this class, we took a deep dive into equality and how it plays out on the world. We focused on what it means to be truly equal and if we need to change how society views equality. Something this class did was take a look at some of the more influential voices in history. For example, we read excerpts from different writers like John Locke, Simone de Beauvoir, and Betty Friedan. These readings let us see into the theories and perspectives of different inequalities. In Betty Friedan's reading, we heard the perspectives of housewives and their missing feeling of "fulfillment" within the household. Other than sex equality, we also focused on class and race. Overall, this class was very diverse in the way we talked about equality. Our assignment for the class was making Zines. Zines are mini infographics that tell an important story through text and images. We were visited by a Zine expert and someone who works at the U