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The Hero's Journey

     This is an Action Project for my core class, Stories. In this unit, I studied the Hero's Journey and how it can be related to real life. We have also been learning about the creator of the Hero's Journey, Joseph Campbell. He was an American Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College. In the Hero’s Journey, there are many stages that the “Hero” goes through. The first is The Ordinary World which is the beginning of the story or the normal life of the hero. The second is The Call which is how the hero starts his journey. The third is The Meeting of the Mentor which is where the hero meets his aid or guide. The fourth is The Unknown World which is when the hero leaves his ordinary world behind to face the danger. The fifth is Trials which is when the hero faces dangers that lead him to his destination. The sixth is The Abyss which is when the hero reaches the lowest point in their journey. The seventh is The Rebirth which is when the hero pushes past his/her Abyss. The last or eighth is The Return which is when the hero comes back to his/her Ordinary World.

     I think that the Hero’s Journey is a very important thing to learn because you can see where the hero is at in his or her life. This is also important because this doesn’t just apply to fictional heroes this can apply to non-fictional heroes as well. What I think defines a hero, is the urge to help people in need and to help the world a better, more forgiving place.

     Below will show the Hero's Journey of my grandfather Thomas Cairns and the fictional marvel character, Doctor Strange. I picked my grandfather as my non-fictional because he has played a very important role in my life. He was also the very first American man to survive Ebola. I picked Doctor Strange as my fictional character because he is a doctor just like my grandfather. Doctor Strange and my grandfather are also close in relation/personality.


In the section below, I have interviewed my grandfather through the phone and I have recorded the questions and wrote out his answers.

Caden: So, what made you want to become a doctor?

Mr. Cairns: When I was young I looked up to doctors they were interesting. My friends were doctors so it was a great thing for me.

Caden: How did you become a missionary doctor?

Mr. Cairns: The call of God urged me to become a missionary doctor.

Caden: What was your reaction when you found out that you had Ebola?

Mr. Cairns: We had no idea it was Ebola. The person we were operating on died and when I was ill I had no idea what it was. Four years later we got test results and it came back with traces of Ebola.

Caden: What was your reaction when you found out that you were gonna survive Ebola?

Mr. Cairns: I didn’t know it was Ebola so when I was getting better I was just happy that God kept me alive.

Caden: Who was a mentor in your life?

Mr. Cairns: I had a number of people that I looked up to. I had teachers that I really liked and looked up to and it was various people, but I wouldn’t call them mentors per se, I would call them helpers or motivators.

Caden: What was one of the challenges you've faced in your life?

Mr. Cairns: Well, Ebola was a very big challenge, but one of the biggest challenges was learning biochemistry in high school and college. It was very very hard so that was one of the greatest challenges.

Cairns, Thomas. Personal Interview. November 14, 2019.
Doctor Strange. Scott Derrickson. Walt Disney. 2016.


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