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Showing posts from May, 2022

What is the Big Bang?

 What was the Big Bang and how can we prove it? These are questions that scientists have been trying to answer for decades. Where did our universe come from? When did it start? Is it still going? Is there any way for us to be able to track the big bang? The big bang was billions of years ago, but how can science prove that it actually happened? If scientists can prove this then how could this affect religious beliefs? These questions have been asked, yet still remain unanswered. When asking questions, getting the answer can bring a whole lot more questions. When it comes to the creation of the universe, there are just as many questions as there are theories as to how the universe was created. Just a few of them have been stated above, and only a couple have been answered below.  But how did it begin? The universe as we know it started in one extremely hot and dense point that inflated and stretched, first at unmeasurable speeds, then slowly over time, it became measurable. 13.8 billion

Drawing for 12 Hours with Only a Pen

 This is a project for my core class Endurance. For this project, I spent twelve hours doing one thing. This class was all about what is endurance? We started the course by defining endurance and looking at historic people who had to. endure something for a specific amount of time. I spent time trying to figure out what you need in order to endure something for a period of time. In order to endure something, you have to be strong-willed, unbreakable, and willing to face hardship and know that it won't be fun or pleasant. So what is endurance? Endurance is being able to push through a hardship/inconvenience. Being able to endure something is one of the hardest things in the world. Especially when it isn't something you choose to do. Forced endurance is something that many people throughout history had to go through. A specific example we looked at was Ellie Wiesel and how he and his family and his whole culture was tortured and killed over the span of years. Ellie lost all of hi