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A Letter to Walter

Welcome to my Action Project for my Core class Drama. In this Unit, we have been studying the south side of Chicago and what it was like in the older times. We had two FE guests brought in to teach us about what they know. Our first FE guest was Regina Holloway. Our second guest was Joel Hamernick. Throughout the term, we have been reading different plays in each unit. This unit, we read A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. For this Action Project, we have written a letter to Walter trying to convince him whether to buy the new house or to sell it. We had to write this play from the perspective of a person mentioned in the play. I personally chose to write as Travis, Walter's son. This is the last action project of the entire school year. I hope you enjoy and see you next year.

Dear Daddy,

This is Travis. I know that I am young and my opinion isn’t a big factor for you buying or selling the house. I still think that you should keep the house. First, this house is all the joy left in our lives. Second, this is a great opportunity for me to find new friends my age. Third, we might be able to change the white people’s minds about what they think of us.  “You wouldn’t understand yet, son, but your daddy’s gonna make a transaction…a business transaction that’s going to change our lives…” (Hansberry; 566, Act 2). You said this to me, but it went bad. I don’t want you to make the same mistake by taking this house from us too.

First of all, this house is what made us happy in our very upsetting lives. This new house is what grandmama wants in life. If you were to sell it, it would ruin her view of you forever. I know how important your business is to you, but it is nothing compared to what your family is to you. Mama said; “If you a son of mine, tell her!  You…you are a disgrace to your father’s memory.” (Act I, scene ii). Mama said this to you because you had done something to upset her, now imagine if you were to sell this house. Don’t do it.

Second of all, this is a house that is in a new neighborhood, with new kids my age. This is a great opportunity for me to find people that I can hang out with. Plus, the last school I went to was very boring. It is also a very nice neighborhood where you can meet new people to help with your liquor store. “Mama: There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing.” In my eyes, this move is a good opportunity for me and every one of us. So, I think the idea of moving into this neighborhood is a good idea.

Last, I think that moving into this white neighborhood will maybe change the way that they see us. We have the opportunity to not just live in a new house but a new way to change the hearts of people. If at least you and I can make white friends than we can start to make a change. “…Most of the trouble exists because people just don’t sit down and talk to each other…That we don’t try hard enough in this world to understand the other fellow’s problem. The other guy’s point of view.” I know that I would never agree with Mr. Lindner because you don’t like him, but this is what I am trying to say.

See daddy, we should move into the house. One, this house is very important to us and it is what brings us joy. Two, this is a great place for me to find new friends and people to hang out with. Three, moving into this neighborhood can change the hearts and minds of our new neighbors. “I’m thirty-five years old; I been married eleven years and I got a boy who sleeps in the living room – (very quietly) – and all I got to give him are stories about how rich white people live…” (Hansberry; 535, Act 1)  I heard you when you said this and I want to see what new life I can be given. This house is what you can give to me.

Your son,


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