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How Video Games can be Effective in life and not a Menace to Society

 For this unit, we have discussed rhetoric and how it can be effective in op-eds. An op-ed is basically an opinion piece in a newspaper. We have also met with a guest speaker and went to Marquette Park Memorial. The guest speakers name was Ugo Okere and he ran for office to be the 40th ward alderman. He talked to us about how public speaking can be effective and how we can prepare ourselves for arguments/debates in the future. The Marquette Park Memorial is a place in Chicago that symbolizes Dr. Martin Luther Kings' quote about the three evils, Race, Poverty, and War. For this Action Project, I was tasked with writing our own op-ed to challenge the status quo. My topic is "How Video games can be effective in life and not a menace to society." 

CJH, Nov 5

For years video games have been represented as a menace to kids of all ages to enjoy. But video games have a whole different side to it that makes it effective in the shaping of kids minds and eventually how it can start careers. Video games even create opportunities for kids to show their creativity, whether that is through the creation of new games or just entertainment toward society. But i'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start with why people think video games are a terrible thing.

People think that children or teenagers need “real” person interaction. But what they haven’t realized yet is that for certain video games, you are having contact with real people. Those people you meet in those video games can actually forge deep relationships and friendships that give kids more life skills. People also think that talking about video games are nerdy or not effective in real life when in actuality they are solid subjects for essays or just conversation topics. Take this op-ed for example, I play video games and now I can turn my experience from those same video games into an essay for my school.

Another way video games can be effective in real life is the job opportunities that they can create. From showing off your gameplay on streaming platforms to recording yourself having in-game interactions with real people online. There are millions of people that take their enjoyment of games and share them with the world. They can then earn a sustainable income from that same product of entertainment whether that be streaming, uploading videos, or competing in tournaments which I will get into later.

There is also the side of creating games. People nowadays can take on inspiration from the video games they play. I have a few people that I know personally that have thought of different game designs that sound interesting and different than what people would expect. There has also been the side of creating platforms to play those same video games on. Like, Playstation, Xbox, and other PC platforms like Steam, Epic Games, and many more, and none of them are bad platforms. People are able to turn their own creative ideas into a reality. 

Another side of videogames is the competitive side. You can get good at a certain video game and show off your skills to the world by competing in tournaments with other competitive players to win. Take Bugha for example, this 16 year old boy was so good at the popular game Fortnite and eventually won the world cup. He then took his skill and moved to twitch to show off his skills and entertainment capabilities. In certain tournaments you can compete for millions of dollars. And even if they lose they still learn how to take a loss and also learn from their mistakes. All it takes is dedication, which is what a lot of gamers have.

I will admit that there are certain aspects that aren't the best when it comes to video games. I do recognize that there are times where playing video games can get out of control. For example, if you play instead of doing your homework or chores. I know this because i've seen it hundreds of times. But, through this you can use it to create a way of teaching them to have a schedule. This can teach them to conserve their time and get important tasks done. There is also the part where people think that if you play video games you will become overweight. I think this would only happen if you don’t leave the house for weeks on end. There is also my side where I think that lots of gamers take on daily routines that include eating a healthy breakfast and working out. I am taking my information from a website who is arguing the opposite of me.

In conclusion, video games are effective in everyday life and not a danger to society. With creativity scaling from creating video games, to creating content. It helps kids show their true personality and enjoyment along with their communication skills. I personally believe that these are all key to success in life.

Addendum: In this op-ed I used 3 rhetorical devices. 
1. Enumeration. This makes a point with detail. I used enumeration in this sentence: There has also been the side of creating platforms to play those same video games on. Like, Playstation, Xbox, and other PC platforms like Steam, Epic Games, and many more. 
2. Hyperbole. This is where you show your point by using exaggeration. I used Hyperbole in: I know this because I've seen it hundreds of times.
3. Litotes. This is where you make a point by using a negative to emphasize a positive. I used Litotes in: and none of them are bad platforms.
I also used the three rhetorical appeals to strengthen my argument, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. Logos is adding logic or rationality. Pathos is adding emotion and feeling. Ethos is adding facts or research. I targeted my op-ed to this website: because it is arguing the opposite of what I'm saying.


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