CJH. Charizardus Picture. 2019
In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness. Then a huge burst of light fell from the darkness like a candle being lit by a match, and Mewtwosaur was created. Mewtwosaur was surrounded by the darkness and loneliness like a coldness looming all around and was as quiet as a ghost. So Mewtwosaur decided to make a place where people would grow and live. He didn't know how to create anything since he was literally born yesterday. He formed a small uneven ball and put different colored layers onto the red ball and eventually, it grew too much to handle and was separated into different planets. One of the planets was formed into the Earth which is where Mewtwosaur planned to have humans live, but Mewtwosaur had grown tired from creating the universe and was a burnt-out light bulb.
Mewtwosaur then tiredly created more magical beings like himself to give the planet life. He created three more beings and called them Venasaurus, Blastoisaur, and Charizardus. These three beings were in charge of making the earth inhabitable. Blastoisaur used his big blue hydro cannon and created the oceans and seas. Venasaurus used his long green vines and created the grass and the trees. Now Charizardus was charged with making something that will make the earth survive, so he used his fireball and grew it bigger and bigger until he finally let go and threw it into the sky creating the sun. By this time, Mewtwosaur had regained his energy and gathered the three beings, and together they created humans and animals. Mewtwosaur used his power to give the man and woman reason and a train of thought. All of the beings felt like the universe was too dark, so they split the sun into smaller pieces and spread them through the universe to make it brighter. They called them stars and put them in places that people can look up and read like a map. Whenever they were called upon they never responded, in fear that they would mess up what they had spent so long to make. They would hide from their creation and never respond to any horrible acts that were done by their creation. Mewtwosaur looked into the future and saw that their creation would forget them and they would die because of that. Yet, Mewtwosaur decided to not tell the others because he wanted to be the only god that the humans worshiped. So he waited for a thousand years and eventually he got his moment to overthrow the others. When he saw that Venasaurus, Charizardus, and Blastoisaur were weakened from the humans forgetting about them, Mewtwosaur challenged them. The battle lasted for years, with every hit shaking the world they had made. At first, the people were confused at scared but there were still people that remembered them and started to tell anyone they met. Eventually, a good amount of people believed in the Big Four and started calling out to them asking them what is happening to the earth. The Big Four heard these questioned and decided to stop the war and start protecting the humans from their own power. So Mewtwosaur decided to erase all of the humans' memories so that they would never make them weak again. He went down to the earth and swiftly used his psychic blast to erase all of the humans' memories of the big four.
Mewtwosaur, Venasaurus, Charizardus, and Blastoisaur all watched the earth and its inhabitants for millions of years. They saw war, hate, murder, miracles, happiness, but eventually, Mewtwosaur, Venasaurus, Charizardus, and Blastoisaur died, forgotten by all the humans and animals they had created.
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