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How can the Electric Guitar Influence Music in the World Around us?

This is an Action Project for my core class A Nation's Argument. For this unit, we have been studying about the Declaration of Independence and what makes it an argument. We have also learned about the structure of an argument and how we can create our own. For this project, I have been tasked with making my own argument. An argument shaped as the Declaration of Independence but with something I want to study independently. I chose to study the history of electric guitar. This is something that I feel heeds to have more light shed onto it. Not many people know a lot of the history of why the electric guitar was made or why distortion is now something that is used from an electric guitar.

Introduction: Electric guitars are something that has influenced many people to go on and make their own historic songs. Whether it be a lesser known song or a song that is stuck in our head for days. They use electric guitars for fame and fortune but never know the history behind it why amps were invented.

Preamble: The purpose of music and learning is to inherit people's past life knowledge. What they were taught and what they learned are now passed down to future generations. These new generations take the knowledge and learn from it, upgrade it, or create something knew from it. Learning is an unalienable right. This means it is a right that can't be taken away. Learning is something people do everyday. It could be someone making a mistake and then learning from it and how to not recreate the same mistake. Or, it could be going to school and learning in class. But not everyone learns. So it is important to help them learn and teach them.

Guiding Question: How can electric guitar influence learning?


Premise 1: Electric guitar is music.

Premise 2: Distortion comes from electric guitar.

Premise 3: Distortion can influence hearing music everywhere.

Conclusion: Distortion is music.

Historical Evidence: Music is like learning. It is something that is all around us. Therefore it cannot be taken away, so it is an unalienable right. Music can be almost anything. It can be the rhythm of a pen clicking, it could be a stranger whistling as they walk by you, and it could even be the pattern of waves in water as they go back and forth. But, it is also sometimes hard to hear. It is hard to learn from and teach. This is why it is so important to learn about. The best way to learn and teach this, is with electric guitar. The electric guitar was never meant to get to the spot it is in today. It first started with wanting the guitar to be louder. Thus the creation of the amp. But, it was impossible to make a guitar louder without feedback and distortion. So musicians learned how to control the distortion and use it as an ally in music. This is why the electric guitar is the best way to teach music. The more distortion and layers you add to an electric guitar means the more you can understand rhythm in any place. An example of someone who used distortion to show it works with guitar, is Jimi Hendrix. Jimmy was one of the first people to use distortion as a full functioning instrument. The history of electric guitar can go back for decades and there are many ways electric guitars have influenced history. From garage bands to rock stars. Yet, there are still many people who don't have any knowledge of electric guitars. This is why it is an important thing to independent study. 


Electric Guitar

An amp.

The Fender Book.

Stars and Their Guitars: A History of the Electric Guitar (documentary)

Someone who knows how to play Electric Guitar.


I want this course to eventually grow and teach people more about the history of guitar.

I want this to eventually grow to more instruments that aren't just electric guitar.

I want this to teach about historic guitar players like Jimi Hendrix, Steve Harris or Brian May. 

Conclusion: People need to know more about the history of the electric guitar and we should have the freedom to study the history and impact of electric guitars.


This action project was a very interesting one. I was able to express my opinion on what we should learn more about. In this case, the history of electric guitars. This project is something I enjoyed mostly because I have an electric guitar so I was able to use my experience to create a project I'm proud of. I had some struggles with how to form my declaration. Eventually I was able to figure it out and I was happy with how it turned out. If I could go back and change something it would be how I went at this project because the subject is a very broad one.


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