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This Action Project Will TAKE Your Interest

 This is an Action Project for my core class Journalism. In this class, we talked about the journalism as a whole. For the most part, we talked about articles and the impact they have on the world today. We started by taking articles from each decade and researching them. We also took a deeper dive into how journalists write their articles. For one, we watched the movie Spotlight, because of that I was able to understand why writing articles and telling the public is so important. After all of the research we did, I was able to pick an important topic from Chicago that I wanted to report on. For all of 2020, the world was in the midst of a pandemic. During that time, the number of carjackings increased. This is something I think is very important to tell the public about because it is something that affects anyone with a vehicle. 

Carjacking Spikes 135% in 2020

   For almost 30 years being a firefighter, Lt. Dwain Williams knew what dangers lie ahead in the world. One day, he saw three men trying to steal his car, so he drew his legally owned gun to defend himself and his property. Unfortunately, the carjackers also had firearms. They shot and killed him. They were still on the loose a week later. In an effort to capture the carjackers, the police released the footage of Lt. Dwain. This showed the effect carjacking has on the public. In 2020-2021, the amount of carjackings in Chicago went up to 1415 which is an increase of 135% from the 603 carjackings in 2019, according to a review of police information.

    HP, a high school senior, believes that the spike in carjacking is due to the pandemic. For the most part, he explained that the reason carjacking was such a big deal in 2020 was because at that time the unemployment rate was so high people needed to make money. Instead of selling their own car, carjackers would go and steal cars then sell the parts for money. “I guess the reason why it would spike is, people aren’t able to go to work so it's easy to take somebody else's car, take it apart and sell the parts for money.” Earning money is something that all students want so it's no surprise that they would want to steal then sell it for money.

    Sgt. Johnson, a police officer who operates in the 3rd ward of Chicago shared his personal opinions about his thoughts on this topic. He explains that he thinks the spike of carjackings is due to multiple reasons.  When asked the question “Why do people carjack?” He responded with “I think there are multiple contributing factors. Video Games have a big effect on the youth so it becomes a game for them. One of the most important reasons he mentioned is the majority of people who carjack are kids that are still in school. This of course is just one of the many theories I've heard.” “I would say it's due to the lack of accountability. Juveniles can’t be punished like adults so they think they can just get away with these crimes.” 

    The pandemic played a huge role in the spike but it’s not the main reason. There are underlying factors that led to the spike not just because of the strike of COVID-19. Like what Sgt. Johnson said he believes that the spike is due to kids playing video games, and H.P. says it's because they wanted money. Overall this is something that should be addressed as to why it happens and what the public can do to stop it. Some of the best ways to stop your vehicle from getting stolen is to lock your doors, keep your car in a well lit area, install an alarm system, install a tracking system, and keep your windows fully closed. 


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